Moon Dog World



The Location

The Moon Dog team have a humble origin story. From serving their mouthwatering beers and selling pizza in a caravan in Abbotsford, they have evolved into a powerhouse of the Australian brewing industry.

This success transcended their founding location, forcing the Moon Dog team to relocate to something that represented their brand and grandeur accurately.

Enter Moon Dog World!

Entry @ Moon Dog World (Photo: Billy Roberts, 2019)

Entry @ Moon Dog World (Photo: Billy Roberts, 2019)

The Challenge

Converting a massive warehouse space into a fully functioning brewery, restaurant, bar and event space is no easy feat! Providing comprehensive and clear audio throughout is just as tough.

Our friends at Myles AV & Audio Logistics were tasked with the initial design and installation of the key components of the Moon Dog World project.

Element Audio’s team was brought in to provide a specialist fit-out of all audio wiring & cabling infrastructure. After the initial works were completed, team Element Audio was tasked with providing audio hardware and connections for the DJ system.

Entrance @ Moon Dog World (Photo: Billy Roberts, 2019)

Entrance @ Moon Dog World (Photo: Billy Roberts, 2019)

Tiki Bar Mezzanine @ Moon dog World (Photo: Billy Roberts, 2019)

Tiki Bar Mezzanine @ Moon dog World (Photo: Billy Roberts, 2019)

The Solution

Our team at Element Audio take cabling and wiring seriously. Sometimes cabling and wiring can be a secondary concern with bigger projects - our team knows that the cabling and wiring infrastructure is a critical component to ensuring the longevity of an installation.

Our team was able to successfully fit-out the cabling and wiring while working alongside Audio Logistics subcontractors, Myles AV.

Further to the wiring and cabling, our team implemented QSC K12.2 Active Loudspeakers to function as the backbone of the DJ system, which primarily operates over the weekends and busier event periods.

The Result

We let our work do the talking.

Moon Dog World boasts a family-friendly, fun environment decorated with luscious gardens and a venue-long lagoon! A truly great place to spend time with the people that matter most.


32 Chifley Dr, Preston VIC 3072

(03) 9428 2307